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Acer predator helios 300 ssd

they're closer to very large dock-rats you can kind of "tame" through a window because they have more than a hint of both rabies and plague to them (hence any boss needs to watch them constantly), rather than the slippery, slimy type of rat you can kind of trust to do ratty things but, they are still there for the dirty jobs.

  • Pet Rat: They are basically this for hire: ain't no job too psychotic to turn down if the pay's OK.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Three Toes.
  • No Name Given: Several, particularly the members of Iggo's four-man foraging party: there's a pale Lyseni, a "dark" Ibbenese axeman, and a Dornishman.
  • The unit saw the worst of the war in Eastern Europe, engaging in brutal war crimes against partisan and resistance groups across the region and often suffering extreme casualties of their own when faced with actual trained armies.
  • In a more modern sense, they also bear a strong resemblance to the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS A Nazi penal battalion made up of convicts, led by the notorious rapist and WWI veteran, Oskar Dirlewanger.
  • They were mercenaries imported home who chose to pillage when they ran out of war to pay their bills.

    acer predator helios 300 ssd

    Their rampage in post-war Westeros is based on the Écorcheurs who rampaged across France during The Hundred Years War. No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Depressingly, these guys do have real-life counterparts.That's why they're the Bloody Mummers: they're a whole brigade of wildly-dressed psychopaths. A "mummer" is a costumed entertainer (particularly a mime). Monster Clown: Their entire nickname references this trope.Their leader, Vargo Hoat, himself dies after Gregor Clegane brutally tortures him by forcing him to eat his own severed limbs. Iggo, a Dothraki riding with the group, dies after Nymeria rips off one of his arms. Karmic Death: Two of them end up dying due to dismemberment.they're happy to quickly switch sides and even abandon each other. Ironic Name: Called the Brave Companions, even though they mainly show no real bravery and are generally more akin to cowards, only winning victories through back-stabbing and oppressing smallfolk.Insistent Terminology: Do not refer to their company as anything but the Brave Companions or they'll make you suffer.So when you see that banner with the black goat flying in the distance? Start running. Gruesome Goat: In Vargo Hoat's native Qohor, the Black Goat is a God of Evil that demands daily blood sacrifice.Fish out of Water: Most of them are from outside Westeros, but a pair of Dothraki named Iggo and Zollo stand out in particular.Evil Versus Evil: Once Gregor Clegane and Roose Bolton begin to hunt them down.

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    Of course, despite being a diverse bunch, they lack any female members, most likely because no would-be token Smurfette would be safe around them for even half an hour. It seems like the only criteria for membership (beyond being a competent fighter, of course) is being a complete Ax-Crazy bastard of squicktastic proportions. Equal-Opportunity Evil: The Brave Companions are quite diverse and includes Westerosi from almost each region (when they can be identified as being from a specific one, such as Dorne or the Crownlands), Tyroshi, Myrmen, Lyseni, Dothraki, Ibbenese and Summer Islanders all of them under the command of a Qohorik.Evil Counterpart: To the Brotherhood Without Banners.Some of them might even beg for mercy when the Stranger is coming to call.

    acer predator helios 300 ssd

  • Dirty Coward: They'll gleefully rape and slaughter innocents, while fleeing from stronger enemies and ditching each other to save their own rotten skins.
  • And, their alternate name only underlines this trope's use.


    Carnival of Killers: They're rather less a company of trained knights and more one of semi-organised serial killers with a brand name and theme.There are three things they do best-murder, rape, and torture. Jaime Lannister: He enjoys cutting off hands.

    Acer predator helios 300 ssd